Summer Isn’t Over

Some younger students love learning at any time of the year. Featured are a few students who dance year-round and are enjoying their summer course. We have Xochitl, Macy and Leona enjoying a small break to take a photo. They love learning, performing and taking pictures! They are currently preparing for their upcoming recital in September.

Fresh Image

Image Dance Studios is getting a little makeover with a new dance floor, new doorways and some additional changes coming soon. We have a few dancers breaking in the new floors. It feels good to stomp on them. Easy on the knees!

Studio Closed July 1 – 7

The studio had a scheduled holiday for July 3-7, however, due to unforeseen circumstances of delayed delivery in building material for installation of our new floors, the studio will also be closed on Saturday, July 1. We will see everyone back on the dance floor, Saturday, July 8!